2024 Online Spring Festival—Thanks, everyone!

May 7, 2024

Thanks to all of you, we had a fantastic time at our Online Spring Festival this past weekend! We hosted our biggest online Donut ever, played a bunch of weird and wonderful games throughout the weekend, and had a great time socializing and making new friends, too!

We’ll never stop saying—because it’s true—that Go Play NW only happens because you all make it happen, and we appreciate that you keep coming back! But we do want to call out some special thanks to our volunteers Bill, AnnaMaria, and Andi, who helped make everything flow smoothly throughout the weekend, and our safety advocates Red and Jerry keeping an eye out in case anyone needed help. Also, super thanks to our Tech Committee—Kona, Star, Jerry, and Travis—who just couldn’t let us go a year without an online event and did most of the organizing and backstage work to make it happen! Extra high-five to Kona, whose Go Play NW Bot played a hero role in delivering all those tasty, tasty Donuts.

Keep an eye out here later in the year for news about our 2025 Online event. But first, our Seattle in-person July event is coming up sooner than you think—more news soon!

The Go monster mascot wearing a pink flower and sneakers, holding a pink banner, beside heading text for the Online Spring Festival and fancy handwriting-style text saying “Thank you for attending! See you next time!”

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