At the Hands of an Angry God

Date: Jul 27, 2024 7:00 pm
The first sessions of this long-ago-published, still-in-print game were at GPNW, a LONG time ago! :)

At the Hands of an Angry God: a Game of Utopia is a story-game in which players represent factions attempting to establish a self-contained, Utopian community. The type of community in question might be Puritan settlers in the New World, a space-faring community atoning for humanity's transgressions, or modern religious zealots like the Branch Davidian and Jonestown communities.

One player represents what this game calls Fate: a catch-all term for the forces that pose challenges to the community, such as guardians of an old order, famine, disease, riot police, nearby "savages," divisive internal elements, weather events, and the like. Every other player represents what this game calls a Family (a term which may be literal in some games), and takes actions to defend their Family and extend its influence. The degree to which Family players cooperate and compete is entirely up to them, and may change as they desire during the game.
GM/Facilitator: W. Quinellipe Zorn
Category: RPG
Duration: 4 hours
Spaces: 4
Minimum Players: 3
Game Tags:
System & Mechanics: At the Hands of an Angry God
Content Warnings: we will discuss any "no go" topics before play
Safety Tools: Script Change,Pause/Retcon/Fade to Black,Stoplight,Other

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