Brave the Dreamer (Playtest)

Date: Jul 26, 2024 1:30 pm
When you were young, at that tender, malleable age, you tasted the Dream. It fed you something you didn’t even know you were hungry for. It was a world more real to you than this one. Only your co-conspirators on the Forum understood what it was like, and even then, no one could quite capture it.
Explore your tangled relationship to the Dream and the Forum. Watch your feelings shift, for better or worse, as you grow older and put the Dream behind you. Discern the shape of the new life you’re carving out of the Present through tenderness and self-acceptance. Then watch it all come to a head as your resolve is pushed to its limits.
Was the Dream the truest thing that ever happened to you? Or is real life what you’ve committed to building here and now?
What brave choices will you make to find out?
Brave the Dreamer is a game about an enthralling experience from your youth, the new life you’ve built in its aftermath, and the tension between the two—inspired by media like I Saw the TV Glow (2024), Past Lives (2023), self-aware portal fantasy like Seanan McGuire’s Wayward Children series, and hopepunk works in the style of Becky Chambers. Note: This is a playtest of an unreleased game.
GM/Facilitator: Amy Huang
Category: RPG
Duration: 4 hours
Spaces: 4
Minimum Players: 2
Game Tags:
System & Mechanics: Descended from the Queen
Content Warnings: Themes of loss, alienation, addiction, derealization
Safety Tools: X-card,Other

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