Downcrawl Worlds

Date: Jul 27, 2024 9:00 am
Downcrawl Worlds is a storytelling card game about building a weird, wondrous underworld with your friends. Combine evocative card prompts to compose phrases like "sacred spiders," "serene witches," or "embittered mountains," then develop them into the legends, places, and peoples of your own unique subterranean world. Discover how stories evolve and fates intertwine in a living history of lightless labyrinths, heroic ghosts, and fungal forests.
GM/Facilitator: Aaron Reed
Category: RPG
Duration: 4 hours
Spaces: 5
Minimum Players: 3
Game Tags:
System & Mechanics: Downcrawl Worlds
Content Warnings:
Safety Tools: Other,Lines and Veils

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