Girl Underground

Date: Jul 27, 2024 1:30 pm
Follow a young girl"s journey of self-discovery through a whimsical fantasy land with the friends she meets along the way. Explore twisted, willowy woods filled with whisper-soft lies, or tricky fairy rings with riddling promises on the way to overthrow an unjust ruler.

Based on stories like Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, and Labyrinth that explore how a girl leaves her home for an underground world and challenges the rules and identities that she was taught must be true. Players take on the roles of the characters who accompany The Girl while also taking turns narrating her actions.
GM/Facilitator: Djinnaya Stroud
Category: RPG
Duration: 4 hours
Spaces: 5
Minimum Players: 3
Game Tags:
System & Mechanics: Girl Underground (PBtA)
Content Warnings: Traditional western gender roles, Childhood peril
Safety Tools: Lines and Veils,Pause/Retcon/Fade to Black

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