Second Watch

Date: Jul 27, 2024 7:00 pm
It is 2108 and the GKS LV-642 Acheron, a Levitt-class tug, is towing the sleeper ark Spero (containing 10,000 passengers in stasis) on a 25-year journey across the galaxy to New Eden. The Acheron is crewed by two watches, on a year-on year-off cycle, with two-week handover periods. Each watch is made up of eleven personnel, and the Second Watch has just awoken... but not all is what it seems. A live-action game of science fiction suspense and horror for ten crew members.
GM/Facilitator: Brendan
Category: LARP
Duration: 4 hours
Spaces: 10
Minimum Players: 8
Game Tags:
System & Mechanics: Secrets and Powers
Content Warnings: suicide, horror, death, space travel, sci-fi colonialism
Safety Tools: Script Change,Pause/Retcon/Fade to Black

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