The City, Cut Loose

Date: Jul 27, 2024 9:00 am
The City has existed for generations, suspended between The Celestial Spheres and What Lies Below. But now it has been cut loose!

Tell the story of a city flying far from everything it"s ever known. Let it feel the heat of the stars, the chastising winds, the cool spray of waters from below, and let the beasts stalk and flit about it. And when this journey comes to a close, like all journeys must, be the ones to tell how the city fares - whether it crumbles or places roots or finds a new orbit.


The City, Cut Loose is a narrative GM-less story game for 3-6 players (more or less). There are up to 6 roles in the game (such as "What Lies Below", "Many Fabled Beasts", or "The City's People"). During play, players take turns drawing oracle cards with prompts on them, and respond to either the oracle card or prompt to shape the city's story and build the world it travels through.
GM/Facilitator: Christie Fremon
Category: RPG
Duration: 4 hours
Spaces: 5
Minimum Players: 2
Game Tags:
System & Mechanics: Oracle-card and prompt-based story game
Content Warnings:
Safety Tools: X-card,Lines and Veils

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