Go Play NW Online
Go Play NW Online is coming up! Let's take a moment to give you a quick rundown of how Go Play NW Online events work.
Where will Go Play NW Online take place?
We’ll be running games on our community Discord server. If you don't already have a free Discord account, you'll need to create one.
Join our community Discord server
How do I register for Go Play NW Online?
No need to purchase a ticket for Go Play NW Online. Just join our Discord server!
Once Go Play NW Online begins, there will be a channel where you agree to our Code of Conduct, and that will grant you entry to the online event channels.
How do I get into a game I want to play or run?
At Go Play NW, all of our games are run by our attendees—folks like you!
You can either sign up for a game in advance, which we call "scheduled games," or join/run a game on the day of the event by joining our pitch circle, which we call "the Donut."
Submit for the schedule a game you would like to run
How do I schedule a game I want to run for the weekend?
To submit an event, you'll need to have a Go Play NW account and log in to it.
Once you have an account, you can submit a game you'd like to run from our Run a Game page.
You already have an account and are logged in!
You can submit a game you'd like to run from our Run a Game page.
Once your game is submitted, it will be reviewed by our event organizers before being approved and posted to our Game Schedule. In most cases the review is pretty quick, and we'll contact you if there are any clarifications we need to make regarding your game submission.
Submit a game you would like to run
How do I sign up to join the Donut?
No sign-up is necessary for participating in the Donut, but if you want to help us keep the event running as smoothly as possible and to help you manage your schedule, you can sign up for the Donut in advance on our Game Schedule.
If you don't get around to signing up, don't worry! Anyone can hop into the Donut! Once you're checked in for the event, you will see a section dedicated to the Donut on our Discord server. Simply join the Donut Stage channel at the start of the game session and we'll get you into a game.
What’s the schedule for the weekend?
Saturday, Feb 22
- Lobby Con: 9:30 AM PT
We're kicking things off with a casual Saturday morning social, giving you time to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. - Afternoon Game Session: 2:00 PM PT
- Evening Game Session: 7:00 PM PT
- ???: 11:59 PM PT
Sunday, Feb 23
- Pancake Breakfast: 9:30 AM PT
Turn up the dial on cozy vibes and spend your Sunday morning chilling, chatting, and making breakfast. Learn more. - Afternoon Game Session: 2:00 PM PT
- Evening Game Session: 7:00 PM PT