2024 Spring Festival

Go dressed up for spring with a cherry blossom in his hair carrying a pink banner

Go Play NW Spring Festival
May 4 & 5, 2024
Hosted on Discord

Join us for the Go Play NW Spring Festival, a free weekend of online tabletop gaming!

We’re keeping things sweet and simple:

So, pick some of your favorite online tabletop games to pitch in the Donut, join us on Discord, and embrace the weird and the wonderful for two days of hanging out and playing games!

Spring Festival Schedule

Saturday May 4

Time Activity
9:00 AM PT LobbyCon (Doors Open)
2:00 PM PT Sat Afternoon Donut
6:00 PM PT Break for dinner
7:00 PM PT Sat Evening Donut
11:59 PM PT Donuts After Dark

Sunday May 5

Time Activity
9:00 AM PT Doors open
9:30 AM PT Pancake Breakfast
2:00 PM PT Sun Afternoon Donut
6:00 PM PT Break for dinner
7:00 PM PT Sun Evening Donut
11:00 PM PT That’s a wrap!


How do I register for the Spring Festival?

There's no need to register ahead of time! The Spring Festival will be open to anyone on our Discord server!

Join us on Discord

What is a "donut" exactly?

The Donut is our pick-up-and-play pitch circle. We all get together and attendees pitch games they want to play, then we break off into groups to go play them! Since Donut games are pitched by attendees, we never know what games are going to get played before the session starts.

Learn more about the Donut

What is the "pancake breakfast" about?

That's our fancy way of saying "come hang out and have (virtual) breakfast with us." The pancake breakfast is a low-key Sunday morning hangout session where we hang out (virtually) while we wake up and get ready for our second day of online gaming. Some of us will be making pancakes, some will be pouring themselves some cereal, and others may be doing something even fancier.

Learn more about the Pancake Breakfast

What are some games I can run on Discord?

We have a list of some games that work great for online play and require minimal up-front preparation. Some of them need a third-party online service like Google Slides or Miro, but otherwise all can be done right through Discord video chat. Also, the Dicecord bot is available for randomized dice rolling and card drawing—typing /help in the Discord chat will get you information on how to use it, or see our How to Use Dicecord page for more information.

Online Games Inspiration List

Can I volunteer at the Spring Festival?

Absolutely! We're currently looking for Spring Festival volunteers. You can sign up at our Spring Festival volunteer sign up form.

GPNW Online Spring Festival Volunteer Sign-Up Form

Will you be doing your usual Go Play NW Online event in the fall of 2024?

No. The Spring Festival will be GPNW's only online event for 2024. Our next fully-programmed online event will take place in February 2025.

So you'll be doing a full Go Play NW Online in 2025?

Absolutely! Go Play NW is committed to continuing to support online gaming as part of our mission going forward!

Why aren't you running a full online event this year?

For its first two years, Go Play NW Online was the only event we needed to plan and prepare for during the year, which meant our team was able to fully dedicate our time to creating a quality online gaming experience. With the return of the in-person event in 2023 we learned that Go Play NW Online’s usual Sept/Oct schedule comes too quickly after the in-person event for our team to give Go Play Online the proper time and attention it needs (especially since many of our volunteers are also involved in planning Big Bad Con which takes place around the same time of year).

We want to make sure that we continue to provide you with a quality online experience, and continuing to hold Go Play NW Online during the fall won’t allow us to do that. So, our plan is to push Go Play NW Online out a few months from October 2024 to February 2025, and we will continue hosting Go Play NW Online as an annual mid-February event.

But, doing this means there would not be a Go Play NW Online in 2024, and that doesn’t sit right with us. So, we decided to run this smaller Donut-only Spring Festival that’s open to anyone who wants to join in!

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